










间充质干细胞的全身给药可以诱导包括细胞介导作用在内的末端(内分泌)或局部(旁分泌)效应。1) 血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF-1)、单核细胞趋化蛋白1(MCP1)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)、白细胞介素6(IL6)2) 干细胞增殖和分化:干细胞因子(SCF)、白血病抑制因子(LIF)、巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(M-CSF)、基质细胞衍生因子1(SDF1)、血管生成素1、活化素A 3) 纤维化抑制:肝细胞生长因子(HGF)、bFGF、肾上腺髓质素(ADM) 4) 抑制细胞凋亡:VEGF、HGF、IGF1、转化生长因子(TGF)β、bFGF、粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)、活化素A、血小板第1因子。免疫介导作用包括以下内容(5-8) 5) T细胞和B细胞的抑制:人类白细胞抗原G5(HLA G5)、HGF、诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)、吲哚胺2,3-双加氧酶(IDO)、前列腺素E2(PGE 2)、bFGF、TGFβ 6) 通过TGFβ表达诱导调节性T细胞(Treg)的分化和增殖。 7) 通过分泌IDO、PGE 2和TGFβ抑制自然杀伤(NK)细胞。 8) 通过分泌PGE 2抑制树突状细胞(DC)成熟。
图“Stem Cell Res Ther”由Carrión和Figueroa再现。2011年5月11日;2(3):23。







Citation// World J Exp Med. 2017 Feb 20; 7(1): 1–10.Effect of aging on stem cells. Abu Shufian Ishtiaq Ahmed,et al


Stem Cells. 2013 Oct;31(10):2047-60. doi: 10.1002/stem.1457. Concise review: clinical programs of stem cell therapies for liver and pancreas.Lanzoni G1, Oikawa T


QinanWu, Bing Chen, and Ziwen Liang,
Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Prospective Therapy for the Diabetic Foot
Stem Cells International Volume 2016, Article ID 4612167, 18 pages

Figure 1: Mechanisms of the effect of MSC transplantation on diabetic PAD. Mechanisms of recovery effects mediated by stem cell transplantation from two pathways: one is the secretion of angiogenic factors and cytokines, and the other is the transplantation and differentiation into tissue components. Stem cells can specifically enhance local secretion and expression of angiogenic factors and cytokines, contributing to the reconstruction of the microcirculatory system, improvement of blood flow and islet β-cell function, leading to improvement of diabetic PAD. Stem cells can also differentiate into endothelial cells to achieve recovery of endothelial cell dysfunction. These effects may be related to miRNA and MEX.

Figure 2: Mechanisms of the effect of MSC transplantation on diabetic wounds. Recovery of diabetic wounds through MSC transplantation via three pathways: the first is angiogenesis and secretion of factors and cytokines, the second is regulation of the immune system, and the third is transplantation and differentiation into tissue components. Stem cells can specifically enhance local secretion and expression of angiogenic factors and cytokines, contributing to the improvement of diabetic PAD and diabetes. Stem cells can also regulate the activity of T cells, natural killer cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, inhibiting infection and inflammatory responses. Additionally, MSCs can differentiate into target tissues to achieve repair. These effects may be related to miRNA and MEX.

Figure 3: Mechanisms of the effect of MSC transplantation on diabetic neuropathy. Mechanisms of recovery effects mediated by stem cell transplantation from two pathways: one is the secretion of angiogenic factors, cytokines, and neurotrophic factors, and the other is the transplantation and differentiation into tissue components. Stem cells can specifically enhance local secretion and expression of angiogenic factors and cytokines, contributing to the improvement of diabetic PAD and diabetes itself, leading to the improvement of diabetic neuropathy. Neurotrophic factors can also improve the dysfunction of nerve fibers and nerve conduction. Additionally, stem cells can differentiate into target tissues to achieve repair.
Renal failure
Alfonso Eirin and Lilach O Lerman* Mesenchymal stem cell treatment for chronic renal failure,
Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2014, 5:83 http://stemcellres.com/content/5/4/83

Animals treated with mesenchymal stem cells showed reduced stenosis – renal microvascular loss and fibrosis. Top: Representative micro-CT 3D images showing improved microvascular structure in renal segments of pigs with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis treated with percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty (PTRA) and intrarenal MSC injection four weeks earlier. Bottom: Representative renal trichrome staining (×40, blue) showing reduced fibrosis in ARAS + PTRA + MSC-treated pigs.

Clinical applications of MSC: Diabetes

Stem cell transplantation may be a safe and effective treatment for patients with DM. In this series of trials, the best therapeutic results for T1DM were achieved with D34 + HSC therapy, while the worst results for T1DM were observed with HUCB. Diabetic ketoacidosis hindered the therapeutic effect.

A line chart showing changes in C-peptide and HbA1c levels at baseline, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after stem cell therapy in patients with T1DM. All data are presented as mean ± SEM. **** P <0.0001 The outcome for stem cell therapy for T2DM Stem cell therapy for type 2 DM.

A-D) Bar charts showing changes in C-peptide and HbA1c levels at baseline and 12 months after administration of different types of stem cells. UC-MSC and PD-MSC were administered intravenously (n = 22 and n = 10, respectively), while UCB and BM-MNC were injected into the pancreas (n = 3 and n = 107, respectively). (E-F) Line charts showing changes in C-peptide and HbA1c levels at baseline, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after stem cell therapy for T2D.
Citation// PLoS One. 2016 Apr 13;11(4):e0151938. Clinical Efficacy of Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis. El-Badawy A, El-Badri N.


Nat Commun. 2012 Apr 17;3:784. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1784.
Toyoshima KE1, Asakawa K, Ishibashi N, Toki H, Ogawa M, Hasegawa T, Irié T, Tachikawa T, Sato A, Takeda A, Tsuji T.

(a) Schematic diagram of methods used for the creation and transplantation of bioengineered hair follicle germs. (b) Phase-contrast images of the dorsal skin of mouse embryos, tissue, dissociated single cells, and bioengineered hair follicle germs reconstructed using the organ germ method with nylon thread (arrowhead). Scale, 200 μm. (c) Histological analysis of vibrissae isolated from adult mice. Macroscopic and H&E-stained vibrissae are shown in the left two panels. Dashed lines (red) in macroscopic observation (left) and H&E staining (right) indicate the interface of the bulge and SB region. Boxed area of the left panel is shown at higher magnification in H&E staining to show the bulge and SB region of the right panel. The bulge region is immunostained with anti-CD49f (red, left) and anti-CD34 (red, middle) antibodies and Hoechst 33258 dye (blue). Black dashed lines in high-magnification H&E indicate the interface of the epithelium of the hair follicle. IF, infundibulum; RW, ring body; half of the hair follicle. Scale, 100 μm. (d) Histological and ALP analysis of the bulb region of the vibrissae and initial culture of DP cells. Bulbs (left 2) and cultured DP cells (right 2) were analyzed by ALP enzymatic staining. Red dotted lines indicate Auber’s line. Scale, 100 μm. (e) Longitudinal section of bioengineered hair during the erupting and growth process mediated by the epithelial-mesenchymal plastic device (guided). The corresponding is shown as cyst formation with bioengineered hair follicles at 14 days after intradermal transplantation (unguided). H&E staining (upper) and fluorescence microscopy (lower) of bioengineered hair follicles at 0, 3, and 14 days post-transplantation. Scale, 100 μm. (f) Macroscopic observation of bioengineered hair during the erupting and growth process including post-transplantation day 0 (left), wound healing on day 3, eruption of hair shafts on days 14 and 37 (right), and growth of bioengineered hair in the chest (upper) and spleen (lower). Scale, 1.0 mm.

(a) Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of bioengineered hair (upper) and vibrissae (middle) hair follicles. Boxed areas in low-magnification H&E panels are shown at higher magnification in right panels. Arrows indicate sebaceous glands. Scale, 100 μm. Hair bulbs of bioengineered hair follicles were immunostained with anti-versican (lower left) and α-SMA (arrowhead, lower right) antibodies and enzymatically stained for ALP (lower middle). Scale, 50 μm. (b) Bioengineered human hair produced by transplantation of bioengineered hair follicle germs reconstituted with epithelial cells derived from the bulge and intact DP of human scalp hair follicles. Bioengineered human hair was observed at 21 days post-transplantation (microscopic observation) and analyzed by H&E staining. Species identification of bioengineered hair follicles was analyzed based on nuclear morphological features (right panel). Boxed areas in the inset are shown at higher magnification. Scale, microscope 500 μm, H&E 100 μm, nuclear staining 20 μm. (c) High-density intradermal transplantation of bioengineered hair follicle germs. A total of 28 independent bioengineered hair follicle germs were transplanted into the cervical skin of mice, showing high-density hair growth at 21 days post-transplantation. Scale, 5 mm.

Bioengineered hair and vibrissae were connected with other tissues such as nerve fibers, traction muscles, and striated muscles derived from host or donor cells. Bioengineered hair was connected to smooth muscles as a result of regeneration of the NPNT-expressing bulge region, similar to natural bulge. Neither NPNT expression nor smooth muscle connection was detected in the bioengineered hair bulge region.
Citation/ Fully functional hair follicle regeneration through the rearrangement of stem cells and their niches. Koh-ei Toyoshima, Kyosuke Asakawa, Naoko Ishibashi, Hiroshi Toki, Miho Ogawa, Tomoko Hasegawa, Tarou Irié, Tetsuhiko Tachikawa, Akio Sato, Akira Takeda & Takashi Tsuji. Nature Communications 3, Article number: 784 (2012) doi:10.1038/ncomms1784


PD研究および治療で現在利用可能な幹細胞の誘導、分化および適用の概略図。上記の幹細胞は、ESC、NSC、MSC、およびiPSCの4つのカテゴリーに分けることができ、徐々に減少する分化全能性を伴う。 (1) 主に胚盤胞内部塊に由来するESCは、通常の状況下で同時に内胚葉、中胚葉および外胚葉に分化することができる。 場合によっては、ESCもNSCおよびMSCに分化するように誘導することができる。 (2) 特定の脳のニッチから直接単離した、または線維芽細胞から再プログラムしたNSCは、ニューロンおよびほぼすべての神経膠細胞への神経系統の分化を行うことができる。(3) MSCは、主に間葉組織に由来し、中胚葉起源のほとんどすべての細胞に分化することができる。顕著なことに、MSCは誘導プロトコルの特定の組み合わせの下でもDAニューロンに分化するように誘導することができる。(4) OSKM(Oct3 / 4、Sox2、Klf4、およびc-Myc)を導入することにより、成人のヒト体細胞(線維芽細胞など)から再分化させることができるiPSCsは、多系譜分化能を有する有望な幹細胞源である。GMP標準に基づいて、上記の幹細胞および最終分化細胞を、疾患モデル、薬物スクリーニング、およびCRTの実施に適用するために、さらに選別し、精製し、そして拡大することができる。例えば、ESC、MSC、NSC、およびDAニューロンは、以下で使用される。(i)PDモデルの準備(ii)潜在的な薬物スクリーニング;(iii)PDのCRT治療Front. Aging Neurosci., 31 May 2016. A Compendium of Preparation and Application of Stem Cells in Parkinson’s Disease: Current Status and Future Prospects. Yan Shen, Jinsha Huang



引用// PLoS One。2012;7(10):e47559。doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047559。在线发布2012年10月25日。
间充质基质细胞(SafeCell)细胞治疗的安全性:临床试验的系统评价和荟萃分析。 Lalu MM, McIntyre L, Pugliese C, Fergusson D, Winston BW, Marshall JC, Granton J, Stewart DJ; Canadian Critical Care Trials Group。




Clinical trial with control: stem cell therapy outcome related variables.

RefDiagnosis Number of Cases – Age (Duration of T2DM)Follow upOther T2DM Related TherapyOther T2DM Related TherapyOther T2DM Related Therapy
56 (T), 62 (C)
18-60 y (T=8.6 ± 6.5, C=7.3 ± 6.3)
1-2-3 mo, every 3 mo until -36 moT: Auto BM-MNC Dose ? DPA, 1x
C: ( – )
HbA1c and C peptide in treatment were significantly better than either pre-therapy values or control.
In Treatment:
18/56 patients insulin was discontinued;
19/56 insulin reduction > 50%, 10/56 insulin reduction 15-50%, 9/56 –non responder
In control: 40/62 patients – insulin requirement increased > 50%, 22/62 patients – increased 15-45%.
20 (MNC-HBO), 20 (MNC), 20 (C1=HBO), 20 (C2)
40-65 y (2 – 15 y)
3-6-9-12 moAuto BM-MNC
T1: MNC-HBO= 3641.2 ± 1585.4 M
T2: MNC= 4012.5 ± 1431.9M
DPA – 10 minutes 1x
T and C: D, L, PST, SBGM- IAInsulin dose reduction at 12 mo in T1 and T2, C1, C2 – unchanged
Insulin free: T1: 1/20, T2: 2/20
Improvement at 12 mo in AUC C-Pep of T1= T2 > C1, and AUC Ins of T1 and T2.
HbA1c at 3, 6, 9 and 12 mo -reduced significantly both in T1 and T2, but stable in C1 and C2.
FBG at 6, 9 and 12 months – T1 and T2 -reduced Fasting C peptide at 3, 6, 9 and 12 mo significantly elevated in T1 and T2, but remained stable in C1 and C2
11 (T), 10 (C)
T=46.5–56 y (10-15.5 y)
C= 52.5–56 y (16-21 y)
2-4-6-8-10- 12wk-4-5-6- 9-12 moT: auto BM- MNC – 290 M (220 -380 M)
C: sham, saline SP/DA -1x after 12 wk:
PB- GCSF- leucopheresis MNC – 490 (290–730M)
C: sham, saline –IV-1x
T and C: D, L, E, W-SBGM – IA12 mo: 50% Insulin reduction
-Tr: 9/11 = 82%, -C:0/10, p= 0.002
Insulin red Tr > C (p=0.001, 6 mo), (p=0.004, 12 mo)
HbA1C maintenance (<7%): Tr 10/11 (91%), C 6/10 (60%), p= 0.167
Increase in glucagon stimulated C peptide: Tr > C, p= 0.036
Correlation insulin decrease-C peptide increase r= 0.8, p=0.01
10 (MSC), 10 (MNC), 10 (C)
MSC= 36-58 (8-23) MNC= 39.5-50 (8.5-15) C= 43-59 (9-15)
2-4-8-12- wk-6-9-12 moAutoBM-MSC-P4-5 – 1M/ kg BW
Auto BM-MNC – 1B/patient C= vit. B complex SPDA – 1x
T and C: L, PST,D-SBGM- IA6/10 (MSC), 6/10 (MNC), 0/10 (C) achieved primary end point: 50% insulin requirement reduction, while maintaining HbA1c
<7.0% -> significant difference
MNC group: Increase in glucagon stimulated C peptide
MSC group: Improvement in insulin sensitivity index and increase in IRS-1 gene expression
31 (T), 30(C) 18-60 y
(T=8.93±5.67 C=8.3±6.07)
36 moT: Wharton jelly MSC P4
1M/kg BW
C: Saline
IV – 2x (interval 4 wk)
T and C: D, E, PST, SBGM- MABlood glucose, HbA1c, Cpeptide, homeostasis model assessment of pancreatic islet cell function signifi- cantly improved- compared to control.
Incidence of diabetic complications: Tr – no increase vs baseline, C: 4/30- new diabetic retinopathy, 3/30 new diabetic neuropathy 3/30 new diabetic nephropathy –> statistically significant difference (Tr vs C, P= 0.007)
Insulin dose reduction:
Tr: 18/31- 50% insulin dose reduction ( where 10/31 – insulin free from 311 mo postWJMSC, and insulin free duration 12.5±6.8 months),5/31 -1550% reduction, and
8/31 non responder
Control: 14/30: >50% insulin dose increase, 16/30: 1545% insulin dose increase – 30/30 – non responder
25T2DM + impotence2 7 (T), 3 (C)
57-87 (12-52 y, impo- tence minimal 6 months)
2wk – 11 moT: UCB SC -His tos- tem, ABO, HLA- ABC, DR, and sex- matched – 15M
C: saline Injection – CC -1x
T and C:PST, D-SBGM-MATr: Blood glucose levels decreased by 2 weeks, and medication dosages were reduced for 4 to 7 months (6/7). HbA1c levels improved after treatment for up to 3 to 4 months (7/7)
Reduced insulin dose after 1 month (2/7)
Control: no improvement in blood glucose level, HbA1c, and insulin dose.
15 (T1), 15 (T2), 15 (T3), 3×5 C)
T1= 57.7±8.2y (10.8± 7.3y )
T2= 55.3±11.4y (10.2± 5.7y)
T3= 57.2 ±6.6y (9.6±4.5y)
C= 58.7 ±7.3y (9.8±6.7y)
12 wk
2y post study
MPC- P(?) Rexleme- strocel-L – mesoblas Inc, cryo-thawed
T1=0.3 M/kg T2=1 M/kg T3=2 M/kg C= placebo IV- 45 minutes 1X
T and C: L, PST, BGM-RTTr: HbA1c – reduced – at all time points after week 1, C: a small increase in HbA1c
Clinical target HbA1c
<7% was achieved by 0/15 of Control, 2/15 of T1, 1/15 of T2, and 5/15 of T3 (P < 0.05)
Glycemic rescue therapy was required by: 1/15 of Con- trol, 2/15 of T1, 0/15 of T2, 1/15 of T3
13 (T), 13 (C) 10-58 y (0.5 – 11 y)
1yHu fetal liver HSC – 35-55 M (20% CD34)- cryo-thawed
Saline (C) IV – 1x
T and C: BGM-FUUp to 1 y, no significant improvement in fasting blood glucose, and C peptide compared to control.
Improvement in – HbA1c only at 6th mo: 7.9±1.3 in treatment vs 7.0 ± 0.86 in control (p=0.046).
None of the treatment become insulin free

Ref= reference number, T2DM= Type 2 diabetes mellitus, treatment control allocation: 1 patient option, 2 successive: 2 Treatment – 1 Control, others: random, 3single blind multi center (18 –USA), 4=T2DM and T1DM, T= treatment, C= control, y= year(s), MNC= mononuclear cell, HBO= hyperbaric oxygen, MSC= mesenchymal stem cell, mo= month(s), wk= week(s)
SC= stem cell, Auto= autologous, BM= bone marrow, ?= data not available, DPA= dorsal pancreatic artery/substitute, M= million, SP/DA= superior pancreatic or duodenal artery, PB= peripheral blood, GCSF= granulocyte colony stimulating factor, IV- intra venous, P= passage, BW= body weight, B= billion, vit.= vitamin, SPDA= superior pancreaticoduode- nal artery, UCB= umbilical cord blood, CC= corpora cavernosa (penile root clamped with a band 30 min), MPC= mesenchymal progenitor cell, cryo= cryopreserved, hu= human, HSC= haematopoeitic stem cell, cryo= cryopreserved,D= diet, E= exercise, PST= previous standard therapy, BGM = blood glucose monitoring, MA= medication adjustment, IIT= insulin intensification therapy, L= lifestyle, SGBM= self blood glucose monitoring, IA= insulin adjustment, W-SGBM= weekly SGBM, D-SGBM= daily SGBM (minimum 5 points/week), RT= rescue therapy using oral anti diabetic agent, except thiazolidinediones in case there was unacceptable hyperglycemia, FU= at follow up
Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2018(13)
Towards Standardized Stem Cell Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review
Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan, Zheng Yang, Ying Nan Wu and Eng Hin Lee
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